How We Deal with Violence

“… [W]e idealize public, national wars. In fact, few things are more romanticized than war, except by those who suffer from it. At the same time, we rail against violence in the streets, the violence of our young people, and the violence on the news every night. We are slowly learning that we cannot have it both ways. If violence is a way to solve international problems, then it is a way to solve problems at home too. We can’t say it’s good here but it’s bad there” — Richard Rohr (Richard’s Daily Meditations, 26 Feb 2012)

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I am an ordinary man, living an extraordinary life with my wife and partner-in-greatness, Vicki. We have two amazing kids who are living incredible adventures of their own. I enjoy most things I do, but especially coffee, the beach and a good read. My opinions are my own.

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